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Pictures of Campers

Once a year the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia, organizes a five-day overnight camp program at Camp Twin Lakes. This facility has activities and programs for children with chronic illnesses and special needs. There are lots of fun activities campers can participate in, and are able to share their experiences and illnesses with each other.

Camp Twin Lake is a fun place for children. These camping programs motivated the founder of CSCF to emulate such fun programs for special needs children into their project. CSCF is introducing an organized, interactive holiday program in Sierra Leone, similar to Camp Twin Lake, but relates to the local culture, and fun activities children in the Sierra Leone community can relate to.

For more information about Camp Twin Lake, please click here.


Kids Stories    Links To Fun Games    2008 Camping Pictures    2008 Camping Story   

Please visit sicklecellkids.org  website and have some fun. Click here to go to SickleCellKids.org website.

Songs of Love

Songs of Love

The Medicine of Music


Songs of love is a creative idea, which inspire children and help to enhance development of children, and lift their spirits in a positive way.


Songs of love is a non-profit organization that creates personalized original songs, at no cost for children and teens facing tough medical challenges or lifetime disability, like sickle cells disease. To learn more about the great works of Songs of Love, please visit their website by clicking here.

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